Our advantage: big data

We offer innovative value added services based on big data that clients can use to help streamline the management of assets and achieve maximum efficiency.

These products are what we use to manage our own assets and we offer them to our clients as an extra service at all facilities as a way to make our vision as owner more tangible.

Operations and Maintenance Supervision Centre

The Operations and Maintenance Supervision Centre (CESOM) monitors 200,000 signals from GPG electricity power stations and their customers all over the world.

The large number of tools as well as the advice from experts in each technical area offered by CESOM enables the company to guarantee high levels of availability, performance, lower specific consumption and shorter and less costly maintenance outages.

CESOM is also recognised by insurance and reinsurance companies in terms of reducing the risks of major faults and catastrophic failures. This is reflected in reduced insurance and reinsurance costs for the installations.

Wind Power Operation and Control Bureau

The Wind Power Operation and Control Bureau (DOCE) is responsible for the real-time monitoring of equipment, detecting alarms, lack of availability and outages (plant, turbine and substation).

Subject to the terms and conditions of the GPG contract signed with the manufacturer of the main equipment, DOCE enables remote control of the plant by operating the equipment and reaching places that the manufacturer’s control centres cannot reach.

DOCE coordinates the planning of maintenance downtime and unscheduled outages with the system operator and, if required, with other producers.

For each plant, DOCE sends production forecasts to the system operator on a daily basis (or as often as required by the system operator) and considers the information it receives on plant status, availability, scheduled and unscheduled stoppages).

ico_check_azulSupervision and Tele-command: Tele-Operation Control Room, Real-Time Reporting

ico_check_azulOperation: planning and maintenance

ico_check_azulEnergy Management: measurement and forecasts

ico_check_azulWeather forecasts: required by the regulators

Specialised Supervision

Specialised Supervision (SE) was created to provide a service to and support combined cycle power plants, with a view to expansion over to other types of power generation technologies.


ico_check_azulStoppage schedule review.

ico_check_azulSupervision of large-scale stoppages.

ico_check_azulKnowing and controlling technological risks.

ico_check_azulAvoiding faults caused by a lack of implementation quality